© 2024 — John Chaffee MDiv/ThM

Lent, Silence, and Weakness

I rather enjoy Lent.  Well, enjoy might not be the right word, but I find it a uniquely humbling and reflective time of the ecclesial calendar. The season of Lent is designed to emulate Jesus’ 40 days in the desert...

What the World Needs Now…

Both of my parents were educators.  Well, you could say that they still are educators to my brother and I, because we are still learning from them about how to live and be in the world.  They are saints in...

On Clergy Self-Care

This past Thursday, I sat down and helped moderate a discussion about clergy self-care with other youth pastors/workers in the Philadelphia area.  Since this is a topic that means very much to me, I was ready with quotes and references,...

The Jesuits and Why I am a fan.

For about 6 months now I have been absolutely enjoying Jesuit spirituality.  It has broadened my horizons and pushed me into new territory the longer I study it. What is Jesuit spirituality, you ask?  It is an approach to Christian...

The Double Revelation of Jesus

Jesus reveals to us God, but also reveals to us Humanity. There you go.  If you get that sentence, then you get the rest of what I am about to say.  Feel free to stop reading, or, feel free to...

Freedom From or Freedom For?

Karl Barth, possibly the best systematic theologian of the modern era, once remarked that he was embarrassed that anyone would try to be “Barthian.”  He commented that any theology that is not ultimately a theology of freedom, is a poor...

Modern Politics, Bonhoeffer, and Thurman

The Sermon on the Mount is not about politics, but it has political ramifications.  In fact, the whole of the Christian life has political implications.  This can be said for one primary reason, we are called to love our neighbors…...

Class Title: “Don’t Sign Up for This.”

For the past week, I have been sleeping 5.5 hours a night in the middle of the Pine Barrens of New Jersey.  I have been looking forward to this week for quite some time.  There is not much that beats...