© 2024 — John Chaffee MDiv/ThM

What do you do?

In October 2021 a thought occurred to me, “What if I am not supposed to work for A church, but instead am supposed to work for THE Church? For people more directly?”

The thought felt so incredibly liberating.

Since then I have created things, written books, hosted events, spoken on retreats, given seminars, met up with people, and hosted a podcast all devoted to helping people go further into their faith journey for themselves and with other like-minded people.

Why do you do it?

Because after 20 years in church work, and trying to be ordained in it, I came up against many walls and gatekeepers that closed the door on my questions and desire to keep growing myself.

I began to realize that the conventional expectations for pastors today do not help everyone, and so I chose to go at large and help people who, like myself, came up against the glass ceiling of how much they felt they could grow.

How do you pay for it?

By the generosity of some very kind people who decide to support me like a missionary to a post-Christian culture, but also by being paid for speaking engagements as well as the things that I have made.

Where do you get your ideas?

Everything and anything can catch my attention.

I love to see what happens when you take two commonly separated topics and bring them smashing together. However, I am also fascinated by what is not talked about, or what seems to be not allowed to be talked about.

You always carry your journal with you?

Yup. Been doing it for 20 years. Seriously. Got a whole shelf of personal journals of yesteryear.

Who are your favorite authors and figures?

In no particular order: Teresa of Avila, Julian of Norwich, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Karl Barth, Henri Nouwen, Gregory of Nyssa, and Thomas Merton.

What are your thoughts on the Church?

The Church is great. The institution that calls itself the Church, not always great.

The Church is when people come together, are present to and give witness to each other’s lives in light of Jesus, and help people to grow in health and holiness.

Institutions, on the other hand, are interested in gathering people to raise money to keep the institution going, sometimes without actually being present to one another, and sometimes in ways that actually work against people growing in health and holiness.

I am all for the Church, in whatever expression it happens, and I think that Jesus would as well.

I actually LOVE having Church around a fire pit, over coffee, over sushi or while doing a porch visit.

What are your thoughts on the Bible?

It is the written word of God, pointing toward the incarnate Word of God. It is 100% human and 100% divine, and is the most impressive, enigmatic collection of writings I have ever encountered.

I believe it is wildly misunderstood and therefore discredited before actually being given a chance by most.

What is theology?

Theology is man’s attempt to comprehend the incompressible through limited human language and logic. It is good but it has its limitations.

What is theopoetics?

Theopoetics uses the other side of the brain than theology. It is more playful, paradoxical, and symbolic. It is often overlooked in the Western world and I believe we are not coming to terms with the limitations of theo-logic.

What is spirituality?

Spirituality is how the Spirit invites us into greater health and holiness. For me, those two terms of health and holiness are indistinguishable.

Spirituality is a means of becoming properly human, being present to God in all things, and participating in and co-facilitating the reconciliation of all things in Christ. Spirituality is the means by which God does CPR on our interior life and soul.

Why do you bring in psychology so?

The Greek word for soul is “psyche.” Psychology is a soft science devoted to the deeper things, just like spirituality. When the two disciplines are brought together, I believe they can work together for the wholesale benefit and growth of a person.

Favorite Christmas movie?

It’s a two way tie, The Muppet Christmas Carol and Christmas Vacation.